Helping you stay focused and committed to: prevent Diabetes & Cancer, control Hypertension, better Heart Health, lose Weight...
"I can honestly say that the Prime-Time Health plan has resulted in the best change in my life, one for which I will be forever grateful" stated Bill Bridegroom, a healthier prime timer. "At age 69, I am happy to hear my personal physician say I look a lot younger, and when people ask me how I'm feeling I can honestly say that I feel terrific" - Dr. Sears Prime-Time Health Participant
About Me
I'm a Health & Wellness Coach, Professional Plant Based Chef, President & Owner of Bella’s Cookies, Mother of 2, Personal Trainer, & Fitness Enthusiast.
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How can I help you?
I can teach you how to weave more plant based nutrition into your everyday diet, but most importantly, I teach you the science on why adopting a plant-based diet is both better for your health & helps your body "heal" itself through proper nutrition. Click on Services for a variety of classes & workshops I teach.